Spring is here.. or at least we are feeling it here is sunny California. The lilies and daffodils are blooming. The days are getting longer. The sun is setting further north across the bay. And St. Patrick's Day is around the corner. All the many reasons to have a sale. To get in the spring cleaning mode, we've slashed prices on selected green socks! Even the BRAND NEW STYLES we just received this week.
Spring Green Sale
Featuring the Sock of the Week - Arawn Striped Over The Knee
Arawn, (AHR-aun) pronounced like Aaron, comes from Celtic or Welsh mythology. He is the lord of Annwfn, the "other world" or as we may better understand it, the land of the faeries. Arawn was also the owner of a magical cauldron with rejuvenating powers. King Arthur is said to have led a quest into Annwn, Arawn's Kingdom, to steal this precious artefact. Arawn is also the guardian of the magical animals within his kingdom. While he may not be Irish we felt his connection to the magical isles of Britain was a suiting fit to honor our green theme of the week.